
We have focus when we are able to concentrate and pay particular, intentional attention to something. Where we put our focus can change everything.

Inspiration to deepen your focus 

  • Do one thing at a time.

  • Play music designed to support the brain in focusing. Check out the focus tracks in the Music section of the Calm app. 

  • Before beginning a new task, rest the brain with a short meditation.

  • Turn off distractions, like social media notifications or the phone’s ringer.

  • Take regular breaks to stretch.

  • Read longer articles ... slowly. (Or listen to podcasts or audiobooks at regular speed.)

  • Set a timer and commit to focusing on a particular task during that time. Start small and work your way up to longer periods of time (but not more than 90 minutes without taking a break to rest the mind).

  • Listen to the 7 Days of Focus in the Calm app


What is asking for more of my focus right now?

“It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”
— Henry David Thoreau

