How to build emotional connection in relationships

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Learn the meaning and signs of emotional connection in relationships. Plus, how to build emotional connection with others and deepen emotional intimacy.

We all want to feel close to the people we care about. But to cultivate that feeling of closeness and intimacy, there needs to be an emotional connection — whether developed consciously or naturally. 

An emotional connection is what binds people together, playing an important role in fulfilling and meaningful relationships. It’s a bond that can make friendships last a lifetime, relationships flourish, and families stick together through thick and thin. 

Emotional connection isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity for establishing healthy, satisfying relationships, and for keeping them meaningful and supportive. Whether it's with a romantic partner, family members, close friends, or those we admire, fostering an emotional connection is an investment that brings rich, fulfilling relationships. 

Recognizing the signs of a strong emotional connection within your relationships can be reassuring, but don’t worry if you haven’t yet experienced all of them. It’s not about ticking all the boxes off of a checklist, but instead understanding the various dimensions of emotional connections. So, what’s the essence of emotional connection? How do you create emotional connections, and how do you nurture them in your relationships?


What is emotional connection?

An emotional connection is a special bond that we have with those we know or admire. It’s more than talking about surface level topics, like the weather or what you had for lunch. An emotional connection is  about sharing feelings, being vulnerable, seeking to understand each other, and meeting one another with trust.

Having an emotional connection isn’t just about talking either, it’s about feeling close, valued, and cared for by the other person. It’s that comforting feeling you get when you know someone’s there for you, truly listening, and being willing to understand your emotions. Being emotionally connected to a person is about being there for each other through the good times and the hard times. This connection builds trust in a relationship, making it stronger and more meaningful.

A deep emotional connection with others is beneficial for your mental health and wellbeing. It provides a sense of belonging, security, and support, which are essential for maintaining good mental health. Understanding emotional connection helps you to move beyond the surface and establish a deep bond with others.

6 signs of emotional connection

Emotional connection can be subtle, however its presence (or absence) significantly impacts the quality of relationships. Here are six signs that you share an emotional connection with someone:

1. Genuine smiles

When smiles come easy and are genuine, it's a sign of a comfortable emotional connection. A real smile, one that lights up the eyes, often reflects a sense of joy and understanding shared between two or more people.

2. Shared laughter

Laughter is a universal language of connection. Shared laughter over things like inside jokes or similar experiences often signifies a deeper emotional bond.

3. A sense of trust

Trust is fundamental in any meaningful relationship. It’s often the first sign of a strong emotional connection. When trust is established, people feel safe to open up, embrace  vulnerability, and share their authentic selves.

4. Comfort in silence

Sometimes, there’s no need for words. Sitting in comfortable silence, without the urge to fill every moment with unnecessary talking or distractions, shows a deep level of understanding between two people.

5. Open communication

Communication is the lifeline of any relationship. Open and honest communication often signifies a strong emotional connection. It reflects a shared understanding and comfort in expressing yourselves.

6. Nonverbal cues

The ability to understand and respond to each other's nonverbal cues like gestures, facial expressions, or body language often indicates a deeper level of an emotional understanding and connection.


Why emotional connection is important in relationships

Emotional connection goes beyond the superficial and touches the core of meaningful human interaction. Attraction draws you to a person. Emotional intimacy strengthens the bond and holds relationships together.

Emotional connection can foster more intimacy in relationships 

Emotional connection is the foundation for emotional intimacy. When individuals connect emotionally, they’re more likely to share their innermost thoughts, fears, and aspirations, fostering a deeper level of closeness.

Emotional connection can strengthen trust 

Trust grows where there’s an emotional connection. Being able to share and understand each other's emotions creates a safe space where trust can grow.

Emotional connection can promote a lasting bond 

A strong emotional bond can help protect against conflicts, anxieties, and misunderstandings, increasing chances for a lasting relationship.

Emotional connection  enhances communication 

Emotional connection creates a comfortable environment for open dialogue. When you feel connected on an emotional level, you’re more likely to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts in a healthy manner.

Emotional connection  boosts mental health 

The sense of belonging and understanding that comes with emotional connection can significantly impact your mental health. It provides a support system that’s essential during challenging times.

Emotional connection  improves self-awareness 

Emotionally connected relationships encourage you to reflect on your emotions and understand them better.

Emotional connection  enhances life satisfaction 

Strong emotional connections contribute to overall happiness, life satisfaction, and wellbeing. They add depth and meaning to relationships, enriching your life experience.


How to build emotional connections in relationships

Building an emotional connection doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience, understanding, and openness. But there are actionable strategies to cultivate and strengthen emotional connections in your relationships that you can start today.

1. Practice active listening

When someone talks, stop and really listen. This means not just hearing the words they’re saying but understanding the emotions behind them. Put down your phone if you’re face-to-face. Make eye contact if you can. Repeat what they say back to ensure you understand it properly. By doing this, you show the person that their voice matters.

💙 Listening is a skill that requires practice. To learn more about active listening check out our session on Listening from our Relationship with Others series.

2. Work towards open communication

Create  a safe space for open and honest communication by sharing your thoughts and feelings honestly and accepting what the other person has to say without judgment. If something’s bothering you or if you’re feeling joyful about something, share it. This way, both of you can better understand and support each other.

💙 Check out our session on Deeper Communication with Jay Shetty to learn more.

3. Exercise empathy

Empathy is feeling and understanding someone else’s emotions. If a friend feels sad, try to understand their pain. If they’re happy, share in their joy. Being there for someone emotionally is an effective way to build–and strengthen–emotional connection. 

💙 Curious about the differences between Empathy and Compassion? Check out our session from the Daily Jay. 

4. Embrace vulnerability

It’s okay to show your full self with all your strengths and weaknesses to those you trust. When you open up about your fears or dreams, it invites the other person to do the same. This builds trust and deepens your bond. 

💙 Learn the importance of vulnerability with this session from our Relationship with Self series.

5. Prioritize quality time

Spend meaningful time together. It could be a walk and talk in the park, a deep conversation over coffee, or even just sitting quietly side by side. The point is to be present and hold space for each other in a way that maximizes the opportunity for an emotional connection to either form or deepen.

💙 Quality time with those you love is important. Explore our session on Nurturing Relationships

6. Practice appreciation

Feeling appreciated can increase feelings of emotional connection. Be sure to recognize and appreciate the little things that your people do for you. A simple “thank you,” or “I appreciate your support” can go a long way in strengthening your emotional bond.

💙 Cultivating a gratitude practice has a wealth of emotional benefits. Learn more with our Gratitude masterclass. 

7. Seek and offer feedback

A big part of emotional connection is making sure all parties are on the same page. It’s always a good idea to ask the other person how they feel about your relationship. This can help both of you understand any areas that might need a bit more effort or care. Feedback can be tough sometimes, so if you ask for feedback, make sure you’re in the right headspace to receive it. Do your best to stay open and try not to jump into defensiveness. 

💙 An important part of exchanging feedback is to do so with kindness. Check out our session on Kind Communication from our Love and Relationships series. 

8. Explore mindfulness meditation

One of the best ways to increase emotional connection with those you care about is to practice mindfulness meditation.Remember to slow down, focus on your breathing, remove distractions and listen. You can practice mindfulness meditation to help you stay present  in your interactions with your loved ones. 

💙 If meditation and mindfulness are new to you, start with Mindfulness for Beginners with Jeff Warren.


Emotional connection FAQs

How do you know when you have an emotional connection with someone?

Recognizing an emotional connection can sometimes be intuitive. You might feel a sense of comfort, understanding, and ease when with the person. Signs of emotional connection include genuine smiles, shared laughter, meaningful eye contact, and a feeling of trust. Open communication and the ability to understand and respond to each other’s nonverbal cues are signs of a strong emotional connection.

Is emotional connection the same as love?

While emotional connection can be a significant component of love, they’re not the same. Emotional connection refers to a deep bond or understanding between people, whereas love often encompasses a broader range of feelings and commitments. Love may include an emotional connection, physical attraction, and a desire for a long-term partnership.

What drives emotional connection?

Several factors drive emotional connection including empathy, active listening, open communication, shared experiences, and trust. Being present, showing appreciation, and spending quality time together can also cultivate a deeper emotional connection.

Is emotional connection romantic?

Emotional connection can be romantic, but it's not exclusive to romantic relationships. You can have a deep emotional connection with friends, family members, or even coworkers. In romantic relationships, emotional connection can enhance the level of intimacy and satisfaction.

Do I love them, or am I emotionally attached?

Distinguishing between love and emotional attachment can be challenging as both create a bond. However, love is often characterized by selflessness, a deep emotional connection, and a desire for the wellbeing and happiness of the other person. On the other hand, emotional attachment might be more about your needs and desires being met, and can even stem from a place of insecurity or dependency.

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