What is AI anxiety? 5 tips to help you deal with the fear

Worried about the impact of AI? Learn what AI anxiety is and how to deal with the fear and anxiety related to the rise of artificial intelligence technology.

If you’re feeling a mix of emotions toward the new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in our world, you’re not alone. Chief Clinical Officer at Calm, Chris Mosunic, PhD, has tips and strategies to help tame our newest source of anxiety.


What is AI anxiety?

AI anxiety is the anxiousness caused by the rapid growth of artificial intelligence and the acceleration of technological change.

Artificial Intelligence has been on the rise for decades. But with the rise of ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other technologies, it feels like the pace of AI development has accelerated.

Recent Calm research* showed that nearly 1 in 3 adults (29%) are feeling anxious about AI, and 18% characterized their feelings as fear or dread. Many reported to be optimistic (31%) or excited (31%). But interestingly, many respondents were both amazed by and nervous about artificial intelligence. Even the optimists are uneasy about a future defined by AI.

AI technology brings questions and worries about what we actually want for our future. Some think it’s fantastic, offering incredible new possibilities in important areas of life, like scientific research. Others feel fatalistic — that AI could cause long term problems for society. Will our jobs exist next year? Can we pass off those mundane tasks? Will AI make life easier?

When our surroundings feel uncertain, anxiety can be a natural response — it’s our evolutionary warning system putting us on high alert. But when anxiety causes us to despair, it can be harder to find the mental and emotional capacity needed to tackle the questions that AI poses.

AI anxiety is a term used to describe the feelings of worry, uncertainty, and fear that some people experience when thinking about artificial intelligence and its impact on society, jobs, and personal privacy. This kind of anxiety can stem from the rapid pace of AI development, uncertainty about the future, and concerns about how AI technologies might change our lives.


How to manage AI fears: 5 tips

1. Be with the uncertainty

Many people struggle to feel comfortable with uncertainty. The rapid rise in AI and automation can feel like a threat to our livelihoods (and even our lives), making many of us feel unstable and out of control.

  • Resist resisting: When confronted with uncertainty, our first instinct can often be to fight it. Try simply sitting with it instead. Notice how the discomfort shows up in your body and mind.

  • Go at your own pace: Give yourself time to adjust to the new reality of AI.

  • Talk it out: Process your anxieties with a friend or a coworker. Perhaps you’ll talk with someone who feels similarly.

💙 On those days where you feel overwhelmed by the rapidly changing tech landscape, try a simple meditation practice like Pause to Breathe to help you feel more grounded. 

2. Feel the (human) feelings

If you’re feeling anxious or uneasy about AI, don’t invalidate or try to avoid those emotions — that approach can make things worse. Instead, allow yourself to feel anxious about it. Telling yourself you’re overreacting can damage your self-trust and self-confidence. 

Tips on feeling your feelings

  • Identify the emotions: Get a better understanding of what you’re feeling. Your anxiety could mean you’re working through a more deeply rooted problem, like feeling threatened or inadequate. 

  • Try meditation: Meditation can help you ground yourself in the present moment and tune into what you’re feeling and where it’s coming from.

  • Write down all your anxieties without censoring yourself: Give yourself a dedicated amount of time each day to think through your anxious thoughts to help you process and make sense of your emotions. 

💙 Take some time to stop and do this short Emotions Check In to make space for any anxious feelings.

3. Catch yourself when you’re catastrophizing

When we’re feeling anxious about the unknown, many of us fall into the trap of catastrophic thinking, imagining the worst possible outcome, even without evidence to support it. This can cause low-level anxieties to spiral out of control

If you find yourself catastrophizing

  • Rationalize with yourself about your worst fears: What evidence do you have that they’re true or that they’ll happen? 

  • Bring to mind times in the past that felt groundbreaking in the tech world: Think back to the creation of mobile phones, laptops, or even navigation apps, and consider how you’ve adapted to their existence despite any initial anxieties or concerns. The same could happen with AI. 

  • Bring your mind back to the now: The future feels a whole lot less intimidating when you focus on the present.

💙 One of the best ways you can bring yourself back to the present is through mindfulness meditation, which you can learn in the Mindfulness for Beginners series.


4. Lean into the nuance

Many of us find ourselves viewing situations as an all or nothing approach. This is a cognitive distortion called polarized thinking, and it often occurs because we’re focused on the extremes without considering the nuances or possibilities of any given situation. 

The debate around AI is nuanced. Popular culture shows dystopian futures, so it can be easy to think there’s only one possible outcome with AI. 

However, reality tends to exist in between the extremes, so remind yourself that it’s perfectly normal for opposing emotions or views to be present at the same time. And they can also all feel as strong, real, or true as each other. You can feel fascinated and terrified, anxious and excited, or resentful and grateful. 

When we allow multiple truths to co-exist in our minds, we make space for more ease. So try to hold space for the contradictions and the possibilities.

💙 For a more in depth discussion on how to use mindfulness to combat worrying and keep nuance at the forefront, check out the Overcome Stress & Anxiety series. 

5. Embrace all things human

At the extreme end of AI anxiety, some of us may have a deep — even subconscious — fear about a machine taking over. We ask questions like: Is this the beginning of the end of humanity? Will humans be replaced by robots?

A fear of over dependence on technology can cause us to worry about the negative consequences of relying too heavily on artificial intelligence. One way to remedy this fear is to embrace our humanity. 

Ways to embrace your humanity

  • Be present for the little things you often take for granted, like hugs, laughing until it hurts, or exchanging a look with your best friend.

  • Make time for the people in your life, and prioritize connecting with them face-to-face when you can.

  • Marvel at the awesomeness of human things like awkward silences or goosebumps when you’re listening to music.

  • Ask people how they’re really feeling and practice deep listening when they respond.

  • Disconnect from technology and spend time in nature.

💙 Embrace the power of being human and living in the now by reading a book, listening to a meditation, or taking a Mindful Walk.


We asked AI how to combat AI anxiety 

And finally, we asked AI itself to share five tips on dealing with AI anxiety. This is what ChatGPT had to say. 

Remember that AI is a tool and not a replacement for humans

While AI has the potential to automate certain tasks and even augment human capabilities, it's important to remember that it is still just a tool. AI cannot replace the unique skills and abilities that humans possess, such as creativity, empathy, and intuition.

Consider the potential benefits of AI

There are many potential benefits to the rise of AI, such as improved healthcare, scientific research, and industry optimization. By focusing on these positive aspects, you can help alleviate some of your worries about AI.

Educate yourself about AI

One of the best ways to combat anxiety about AI is to educate yourself about it. By learning about how AI works, its limitations, and its potential applications, you can make more informed decisions about how to use and interact with AI technologies.

Be mindful of media bias

The media often dramatizes news stories about AI, which can fuel anxiety and misconceptions. Be mindful of media bias and try to seek out reliable sources of information and consider limiting your exposure to AI-related news and social media posts. 

Stay adaptable

Finally, it's important to stay adaptable and flexible in the face of change. The rise of AI is just one of many technological advancements that will shape our future, and it's likely that new technologies will continue to emerge. By staying adaptable and open to new possibilities, you can better navigate the uncertainties of the future.

We also asked AI to generate a meditation to help ease our AI anxiety. Here’s what it came up with. 

Take it or leave it. We won’t be offended if you find AI’s tips more helpful in managing your AI anxiety. In a strange microcosm of the interplay between humanity and technology, you may find yourself integrating both human- and machine-guidance into your mental health coping strategies. 

Take whatever serves you, and leave the rest. 

*Calm research was fielded among n = 450 adults in the US between March 21, 2023 and March 22, 2023 and is nationally representative, with quotas across age, gender, race, ethnicity, and region.


AI anxiety FAQ

How do I stop anxiety about AI?

To manage anxiety about artificial intelligence, there are proactive steps you can take. 

  • Educate yourself about AI to understand its capabilities and limitations better: Learning about AI can make it feel less intimidating. 

  • Engage in conversations about AI: Discussing your concerns with others can provide new perspectives and reduce feelings of isolation

  • Practice mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques: Managing your anxiety effectively can help you focus on the present and reduce worries about the future. 

  • Stay informed about AI developments: Understand how it's being integrated into society to help you feel more prepared and less anxious.

Why am I scared of AI?

Fear of artificial intelligence is common and can be caused by several considerations, such as uncertainty about how AI will affect the future, including potential changes in the job market and societal norms. You may also have concerns about privacy, security, and the ethical use of AI. The idea of losing control to machines or facing decisions made by algorithms without empathy can be daunting. 

Understanding these fears and addressing them through education and dialogue can help alleviate the anxiety associated with AI.

What is the fear of AI called?

The fear of AI doesn't have a widely recognized specific term but is often considered a form of "technophobia," which is the fear of advanced technology or complex devices. When this fear is specifically about AI, it can stem from concerns about the technology's potential to surpass human intelligence and the ethical consequences of machines making decisions that affect people's lives. This fear is rooted in the unknown aspects of AI's future impact on humanity.

What are the negative effects of AI?

While AI has numerous benefits, there are concerns about its negative effects. These include potential job losses due to automation, as AI can perform some tasks more efficiently than humans. Privacy issues are also a significant concern, as AI systems can process vast amounts of personal data, sometimes without clear consent or transparency. Security risks may arise from the possibility of AI systems being hacked or malfunctioning. AI can also perpetuate biases if the data it's trained on is biased, leading to unfair or unethical decisions. 

On a societal level, increased reliance on AI could lead to a decrease in human interaction and a loss of certain skills as machines take over more tasks. Understanding these potential negative effects can help develop strategies to mitigate them and ensure AI is used responsibly and ethically.

Calm your mind. Change your life.

Mental health is hard. Getting support doesn't have to be. The Calm app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. 


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